Start Keeping Bees With Us

At Hornsby Beekeeping Supplies, we love starting off new beekeepers. We can supply you with everything you need to start your first beehive -- including the bees.

What about the new pest I've been hearing about?

Varroa mite is a parasitic mite which lives on adult bees, but which feeds and reproduces inside the brood. Left untreated, varroa will eventually cause a colony of bees to lose numbers and eventually die. Varroa was detected in Newcastle in 2022.

When varroa was first detected in NSW, there was a large-scale attempt to eradicate the mite. However, last year the National Management Group made the decision to move to a management policy. This means that, as a new beekeeper, you will be be testing for varroa and treating it as needed. To keep your hive healthy, you will need to be managing varroa in other ways, too. All of these methods put together are known as 'integrated pest management, and it's the way beekeepers are already managing more established pests like small hive beetle.

However, pest management is just one part of beekeeping. You will learn about it as you learn to inspect your hives and experience the joys of beekeeping.


Where can I get live bees from?

At HBS we sell live bees in 'packages'. Packages are easy to transport and easy to install in your hive.

It's also possible to buy bees in a nuc (short for nucleus hive). We don't supply nucs -- you get more bees with a package.

Some beekeepers get started by catching a swarm. If you do so, we advise that you treat for varroa immediately.

If you purchase a package of bees from us, we will place your order into backorder and let you know when your bees are ready.



What do I need to do before I get my bees?

All beekeepers in NSW must be registered with the Department of Primary Industries. It takes about ten days for the DPI to process your registration and assign you a 'hive brand' or registration number. We will need to know this number when you pick up your bees.

You can register at the DPI website.

If you want to learn about beekeeping, one of the best ways is to join your local 'bee club'. Click here to find your local branch of the ABA/Amateur Beekeepers' Association.

We also have a wide range of books about beekeeping.


Does Hornsby Beekeeping Supplie have all the gear I will need?

Yep! We have:

  • bases, boxes, frames, and lids
  • queen excluders and hive fasteners
  • hive tools, smokers, and feeders
  • protective equipment for beekeepers of all ages

And this is what you need to get started! And when you're ready to extract your first jars of honey, we can help with that, too.


How much does it cost to start keeping bees?

We usually tell beginners that it costs around $700 to get started keeping bees, if you buy all of your hiveware assembled. This includes the bees, the hive and any equipment you might need. There are occasional ongoing costs in beekeeping, but many of these items are things you won't need to buy again in a while.

You can keep bees on a budget by buying your boxes, lids etc unassembled. We also have a wide range of budget beekeeping tools and equipment.


Can I install a package of bees in my Flow hive?

Yes. Package bees are a great way to start off a Flow hive. After our package bees are established in your Flow brood box, you can place your Flow super on top. Our brood boxes and bases are also compatible with Flow supers.

To give your bees the best possible start, we recommend full depth waxed frames in the brood box.


How long will it be until I can do my first honey harvest?

This depends on a lot of factors, including the weather. Beginner beekeepers should be careful not to take too much honey from their hives.

The general rule is that you should not expect to take honey out the first year.







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